Really Indian Bathroom needs Dry and wet area separation?

Creative Design Studios
4 min readJun 13, 2024


Indian bathrooms typically combine the toilet and shower into one compact room. As the idea of separating wet and dry areas gains popularity, many wonder if it’s truly necessary. This separation hinges on various factors, including user habits, space availability, and maintenance preferences. Let’s explore the reasons for and against this separation and offer practical solutions tailored to typical Indian bathroom sizes (7'x5' or 8'x5').

Understanding Wet and Dry Areas

Wet areas in a bathroom are where water is likely to splash and spread, such as the shower or bathing zone. Dry areas include the toilet, sink, and storage spaces meant to remain relatively moisture-free. Distinguishing between these zones can enhance bathroom functionality and hygiene.

Pros of Wet and Dry Area Separation

Prevention of Mold and Mildew: By keeping water confined to designated wet areas, the risk of mold and mildew development is significantly reduced, promoting a cleaner environment.

Reduction in Slip and Fall Accidents: Wet floors are slippery and hazardous. By maintaining dry zones, the chances of falls and injuries decrease, especially for children and the elderly.

Comfort in Maintaining Dry Feet and Belongings: Users can keep their feet and personal items dry, enhancing comfort and convenience while using the bathroom.

Cons of Wet and Dry Area Separation

Space Constraints

Challenges in Small Bathroom Sizes (7'x5' or 8'x5'): Implementing a clear separation can be difficult in compact bathrooms, potentially making the space feel cramped and less functional.

Usage Habits

Difficulties with Maintaining Dry Areas with Health Faucets: Health faucets are a staple in Indian bathrooms, often causing water to splash beyond the intended wet zones, complicating efforts to keep dry areas moisture-free.

Evaluating the Necessity

Whether separating wet and dry areas is necessary depends on several factors:

User Habits: Families with young children or elderly members may prioritize safety and hygiene.
Space Availability: Larger bathrooms can accommodate partitions more easily.
Maintenance Preferences: Those willing to invest time in cleaning might find partitions more appealing.
Practical Solutions for Separation

Partial Partition

Glass Partitions and Shower Curtains: These create a wet zone without entirely closing off the area, maintaining openness while controlling water spread.

Smart Layout

Efficient Placement of WC, Sink, and Shower: Positioning the WC at one end, the shower at the opposite end and the sink in between can naturally delineate wet and dry zones.

Raised Platform

Benefits and Design Considerations: Raising the WC area by a few inches helps prevent water from the shower from spreading. Ensure smooth transitions to avoid tripping hazards.

Example Layouts

Layout (8'x5')

  • Shower Area: Occupies one corner (3’ wide) with a shower curtain or glass partition extending 3.5’ along the length.
  • Sink: Next to the shower area.
  • WC: At the opposite end, with the health faucet placed to minimize wetting the surrounding area.


While separating wet and dry areas in Indian bathrooms is not strictly necessary, it offers significant benefits in terms of hygiene and safety. Given the typical bathroom sizes, a balanced approach with partial partitions, a smart layout, and effective drainage can help achieve a functional separation without compromising on space and usability. Ensure proper ventilation, and regular cleaning to keep the wet area Dry & mold-free.

If you’re still confused, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts at Creative Design Studios is always available to answer your questions and help you.

We hope our blog post has provided you with valuable insights about the Indian Bathroom Dry and wet area separation . Please let us know your comments.

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How can I maintain a dry area in a small bathroom?

Utilize shower curtains or glass partitions and ensure effective drainage to confine water to the wet area.

Are there affordable solutions for bathroom partitioning?

Yes, shower curtains and basic glass partitions are cost-effective ways to create wet and dry zones.

Can a raised platform be a safety hazard?

It can be if not designed properly. Ensure smooth transitions and consider non-slip materials to enhance safety.

What materials are best for bathroom partitions?

Tempered glass, acrylic, and waterproof curtains are ideal materials that offer durability and ease of maintenance.
How do I prevent mold and mildew in a wet area?

Ensure proper ventilation, regular cleaning, and use of anti-mildew treatments to keep the wet area mold-free.

